Unopened altar of decrepit alcohol infused skulls from 1492
Crystalized berries from the Violet Forest
Let speak the prophets of Abretas the first and singular true rodent lord
The language of Abretas is the language you shall use for the rituals of honoring
A hat upon their head of which contains the descriptions of everything been, being, and to be
They set into motion reality and took their hands off to watch it go down the path they always knew it would take
Take one hand of burning coals and one hand of mixture of cucumber and blueberries and salt and alcohol
Slap both hands together over a pile of keys to create master key alpha
The key will open the doors to the creators realm
None have survived the process yet
Eat 5 handfuls of cocoa and swallow a pill of indiscriminate nature and allow reality to become clear before you